Guide Created by Crasy
Heh...I figured I might as well pull off a guide in regards to the calender. There aren't many questions on it or a need for a guide but myeh. Why not?
It shouldn't be long...
Here it goes....
Setting up your Calender
First of all I'll have to describe how the calender is set up.
AdminCP->Edit Features and Options
Expand the Calender tab
You should see the following options. I will describe them to you and explain their functions.
Enable the calendarCheck this box if you want to have a calender <--Check this box
Show days as links to 'Post Event' <--I will explain about this later
Show week numbers <--At the start of every week it will display a number of the year ie. Week 36
Max days in advance on board index <-- How far ahead that events will be posted on the "Upcoming Calendar" box at the bottom of your index
Show holidays on board index <--Selfexplanitory
Show birthdays on board index <-- Selfexplanitory
Show events on board index <-- A little box titled "Upcoming Calendar" will be displayed. It will display upcoming events on your calender.
Default board to post events in <--Pick a board. All events must be posted as a topic(I'll explain more later in this)
Minimum year <--Minimum year that can be viewed
Maximum year <--Maximum year of events that can be viewed
Birthday color <--Colour of a days box with a birthday in it.
Event color <--Colour of a days box with an event in it
Holiday color <--Colour of a days box with a holiday in it
Allow events to span multiple days <--Would you like to allow it..or disallow it?
Max number of days an event can span <--How many days can an event span maximum?
The last bit is to make sure that every membergroup you want to be allowed to view the calender is given the "View Calender" permission. MAKE SURE!
Now onto posting events in your calender.
Well every event must be posted as a topic in the board you chose(Default board to post events in). Unless you chose otherwise while posting.
To post an event click on a day's number in your calender. Then chose the event title(what is shown in the calender that day), the day it is to be displayed9in your calender), number of days it will span, where it will be posted(the board on your forum), topic title and message icon.
Then write the message and postify it
It will now be a topic in a board as well as a date on your calender. You can click on the event in your calender and you will be taken to that topic.
Can my event not be a topic as well? Nope. You could hide the board from your users though if you don't want to clutter up their boards with events
Can I link a already made topic to my calender?Yup! Goto the topic and click the "Link to Calender" button. From there you will have to fill in a date and stuff. Then click save
Another randomly-made-rather-unusual-and-absolutely-unannouced-and-unprovoked-guide-by-crasyandconfued